Uncompromised I Author's Commentary

     Hi my name is Mark I'm a huge movie fan as a lot of us are and every once in a while a movie comes along that inspires us in different ways. I'm a huge Star Wars fan and it has inspired me to become a collector and because of those films I have enough stuff to fill a large room. Star Wars has been the most influential to me but other movies have also had profound effects on me, most recently it was of course Equilibrium. In 2002 year in which we saw Star Wars Episode II:  Attack Of The Clones, Fellowship of the Ring, and the fantastic Minority Report there was this film I first read about at Chud.com. I saw it opening weekend and it completely blew me away. The film stayed with me for days and unfortunately I never got back to the theaters to see it.  Then I found a cool fan message board ran by a lady named Jen who eventually put together an awesome website for the film found here.  She put out a call for fan fiction. I thought "yeah I can do this". I've never done anything like this before but I've always liked to write so I figured I'd give it a try.

     I began my story approximately 12 years before the film if you assume Preston’s son was about that age in the movie. John has just graduated from his training in the Grammaton Cleric academy and this tells the tale of his first couple of outings.  I wanted to show how John started, totally uncompromised, but yet I threw in hints to his inner thought that even early on he may have had different "feelings" so to say. I also partnered up with Partridge (Sean Bean from the film) right out of the Academy to show they had a long history together once the movie began.  I would throw hints at Partridge’s future also throw with some things that he says. I also figured that the Clerics we're also of a military type ruling so I have John giving orders to the Sweepers as I could see the Clerics doing if need be. Since according to the film Preston had never had an encounter with Vice Council DuPont (Angus MacFayden) until the movie I instead gave the Clerics a Commander to answer to.
Just a couple of quick little trivia comments now:

-  The bad guys is named after two of my friends one with hte first name Sean and the other with the last name Davidson.

-  District 1138 is a direct nod to Star Wars when Han says "We are transporting the prisoner to Cell Block 1138" in the original film.

-  I put a sword fight in the story and yes there was one at the end of the film also.  This is my nod to not only the film itself but also to the highlander film franchise.  I'm a huge Highlander fan so this was tribute to that franchise and the coolness that is a sword fight in any film or story.

Overall the story is short and simple but I really put some work and thought into it and I hope you like it. It's my first shot ever at something like this so I hope it came out ok! Thanks!