Lieratas: Uncompromosed II Author's Commentary

So here it is, my long awaited follow up to my first short story.  Only 7 years in the waiting!!  Well I hope you enjoyed it and stay tuned, there will be more…..eventually.

      So my prequel series continues as we see Preston and Partridge working together as Clerics.  Very uncompromised at the time, but both showing slight hints of emotion and underlying after thoughts of their position in society.  The first chapter was written in first person from Preston's perspective and parts of it in third person.  This time almost the entire story is from a third person perspective.  no reason for this, it's just the way it turned out.  So here are some random comments on my story:

n      It takes place approximately six years later and things have been at peace.  

n      The title Liberatas is Latin for liberate which means to set free.  Appropriate I think for the beginnings of the resistance.

n      The idea of terrorism inside Libria is nothing new when the film occurs.  The center in the movie was shut down because of it, but in this story, the Tetragrammaton kinda covers it up because it’s still new at the time.  They don’t want to admit that there is terror in their perfect society and that a resistance is beginning.  Maybe more hints of this in my next story!

n      In case you don’t know Seamus is seen in the film for about three minutes at the beginning.  Played by Dominic Purcell, I have used him and given him a larger role and a first name to tie my stories together with the film.  The character's name is confirmed in an interview with Purcell before the movie's release.

n      The old prozium factories being destroyed is a direct nod to the other ones being destroyed at the end of the movie of course, and the resistance obviously means this as a precursor for what is to come. 

n      Jurgen makes an appearance as he is beginning to develop the underground and get the resistance rolling. 

n      The standoff in the factory with them facing 40 men is just a nod to my love of action movies, and I love stand offs in movies.  The intensity of a John Woo stand off or something like that gets my blood boiling when watching a film.  Only here the 40 men are up against two bad asses who take them out in no time.

n      The ending action may have seemed abrubt, but even in the film the action only lasts about 8 minutes total even though it’s extremely awesome.   I also purposely ended the Clerics story for now with them leaving the scene to head back in because it is all that was necessary for part two, even if it seemed like a quick jump to the epilogue.  I had another scene in there but it just got long winded.  Once the trilogy is complete, I will release a “Author’s Cut” with it in it perhaps.

n        Connor is a nod to Connor MacCleod of Highlander.  In Uncompromised I the sword fight was a nod to Highlander so the tributes continue!

Well I really hope you enjoyed part two and look for the final chapter soon.  I promise it won’t be 7 years!

Concept Art Copyright Mark Bristol